Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last night's "LOST" finale was AWESOME!!

This episode had to be one of, if not the best episodes in "LOST" history. There was action, tears and WTF moments that will have us talking about this episode for the next 8-9 months. Jack was a bad ass with a gun which made me love this episode even more!!! The fade to white screen was new as the producers had previously told us "LOST" would never go to a black they are sneaky...but on the other hand they both wrote the finale which was of course AWESOME!!! I am going to be miserable waiting for this show to come back on, yet I don't want to rush it as this will be THE FINAL SEASON and our last season premiere EVER. Here's to 8-9 months of good theorizing!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Traveling all around the world...

I FINALLY did a set on Polyvore that I am truly proud of !!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

"50 Waves of Delicate"

Please join my group on polyvore! It's called "50 Waves of Delicate". This group is for your pastel/delicate sets. It is also a theme group for you to interpret each theme the way you see it by using ONLY PALE COLORS. You can use any light colors you want (blues, greens, pinks etc...) just NO BRIGHT COLORS. You can do fashion or arts sets, it's your choice. This group was inspired by Orangurple's group "50 Theme Fashion Challenge" and done so with her permission. PLEASE JOIN!!! Here's the link -

1. beach
2. love
3. addicting
4. hopeful
5. faithful
6. angelic
7. trust
8. heavenly
9. summertime
10. heartbreaking
11. dazzling
12. my future
13. dreams
14. innocence
15. first date
16. fabulous
17. breezy
18. lush
19. adorable
20. beautiful
21. glorious
22. damaged
23. cuddly
24. exotic
25. delightful
26. evil
27. enchanting
28. illuminating
29. glamorous
30. alluring
31. fancy
32. graceful
33. jealous
34. broken
35. ethereal
36. hypnotic
37. kind
38. magical
39. scandalous
40. unusual
41. vengeful
42. whispering
43. sad
44. secretive
45. reflective
46. romantic
47. silly
48. tender
49. peaceful
50. the end/your choice…just make it with light colors!

Here's the link to Orangurple's original group